
May 2019

READY… SET…GO! That’s what summer feels like doesn’t it? June, July, August – we pack it in while we can. The nice weather brings weekends away, cabins, lakes, beaches, BBQ’s, family time, road trips, camping, water sports, baseball games, rooftop dining, parks, walks around the city lakes. I often think how nice it would......

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May 16, 2019

Adult Game Night

Sounds risky right? It’s not. Just an evening for adults to play board games, eat some food and have some fun. That’s it! No other agenda but to connect and enjoy some fellowship. This is...

May 10, 2019

This Weekend

It is going to be a very good weekend of being “refreshed in God’s grace” Friday, May 10 6:00PM LW ROCK adoption support group – families and individuals touched by adoption meet for dinner, fellowship and support;...

Playground Plan
May 01, 2019

Playground Plan

The Children’s Ministry Team is asking if you can help us build a playground for the little ones of LivingWaters. Before we begin construction we need to raise a little more financial support and we...

April 18, 2019

Resurrection Sunday

Many of us have memories of Easter’s growing up – new clothes, hunting for candy before church, dinner out with family after church. Clothes candy and family seem to be a theme that I hear...

April 09, 2019

Palm Sunday

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Jesus and His triumphant entry into Jerusalem The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on...

April 03, 2019

Love Story

Do you have a favorite love story movie or book? One that you can watch over and over again and feel the strength of the love between the 2 stars? Something like Sleepless in Seattle,...

February 28, 2019

Change Your Face

“Change your face” I said to Scott 15 minutes before church started a few weeks ago. He’d had a bad week, and that morning there were more challenges to deal with – and it showed. He...

January 21, 2019


This is a post from 2018 “I have a dream” Can you hear it? That unmistakable voice. Strong, passionate, compelling. Every time I hear a recording of Dr. Martin Luther King, my skin tingles. I...

January 18, 2019

This Weekend at LivingWaters

We have a busy weekend of activities, gathering & ministry! Please check out our church website for more details on each event: Friday, Jan. 18 6PM ~ Youth “Slice to Ice” event – starts at...