
Dec 2018

“We have a hard time believing God forgives and forgets our sins because we have trouble doing it ourselves” (A line from Scott’s message on 12/30/18 – LW sermons) We don’t forgive ourselves, we don’t forgive others. We don’t forget our sins and struggles, we don’t forget others. So why would God? Why indeed.......

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October 17, 2018


 “Are you DANGEROUS?” If you’ve had any exposure to media recently – and if you’re like me, you can’t avoid it even when you try – then you know our culture is at war with...

July 19, 2018


“Puttin’ On The Armor of God” What does it mean for a 4 year old or a 5th grader to put on the armor of God? Come and find out at LivingWaters VBS! Kids ages...

June 05, 2018

Adam or Jesus?

“…forever related to Adam and never to Christ” That is a line at the end of the June 5th devotion in the Indeed Devotional booklet. It is talking about the assumption of blood being thicker...

May 16, 2018

Do You Remember?

Easter really doesn’t seem that long ago, and yet you might be surprised to learn that Ascension Day was last week, 39 days after Easter Sunday (Acts 1:3-11).  It represents the day Jesus is traditionally...

April 12, 2018

Pass the Salt Please

Ah – my senses are alive with the signs of spring everywhere in Minnesota right now: the sounds of windshields being scraped, the exhaust fumes of powered snow removal equipment, and the beautiful glare of...

April 07, 2018

What’s Your Name Again?

There’s something that annoys me – a pet peeve of mine.  It might be petty, and I’ve tried to stifle it – really I have.  But I just can’t deny that it bothers me.  Let...

April 04, 2018

Who Is My Neighbor?

Loving our Neighbors “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27...

April 02, 2018

Still Playing Hide-and-Seek?

Did you get to join in an Easter egg hunt last weekend? My kids have outgrown egg hunts, but I still play hide-and-seek. When I was 16 and a new driver, I had very little...