
Nov 2019

Last Saturday night about 60 of us sat in the LivingWaters sanctuary and listened while a panel of adult adoptees shared their stories. They opened up their hearts and poured out their reality in raw honesty. The pain, the grief, the rejection, the hope, the love. Their stories were all different. International adoption, infant......

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Hear Our Voices
November 07, 2019

Hear Our Voices

November is National Adoption Awareness Month Thirty years ago on the 9th of this month a birth took place in Fort Worth Texas. That little baby girl was to become our daughter Kylie. We found...

October 17, 2019

How Long Is A Day (By Gene Dahmes)

How Long is a Day? The Knowing God study group has been in existence for three years as we meet to study theology. This may sound boring or frightful to some but, it is practical...

October 15, 2019

Church Bashing

Church bashing – it’s a thing. Hurt people – disillusioned people – grace filled people – judgey people Everyone church bashes. Which is kinda strange since the Church is the Bride of Christ.  I used...

October 02, 2019

The Father and His Son (by Paul Emanuelson)

It came to him during a sleepless night. Or at least sleepless until the association became clear and he was able to rest soundly until morning. The aggravation had been caused by the afternoon’s activities...

August 20, 2019


Living My Best Life Is a newish phase/hashtag that describes situations that are perfect… or horrible. Could be a picture of a puppy on a counter eating some bacon as fast as he can, or...

July 10, 2019


Free VBS July 30, 31 and August 1 from 6:15pm-8:15pm At LivingWaters Church: 22222 Dodd Blvd., Lakeville, 55044  How many of you remember your childhood and the years of Vacation Bible School? I actually don’t...