Men’s Ministries

SaveOne Abortion Recovery Group

Monday‘s from 6:30-8:30pm

A nine week Bible based study on healing from the trauma of abortion. Although the study is Christian based you do not have to be Christian to
participate. All are welcome. Led by Beth Burris and Jason Haselhuhn. There may be a men’s group and a women’s group, or a combined group depending on the preferences of the group. Contact Beth or Jason with questions.


Saturday June 15th
Heritage Links Golf Club of Lakeville

Sign Up HERE

Tee times at 7:03, 7:12, 7:21, 7:30, and 7:39am.
Cost is $66 for golf, including cart. Range balls will be provided.

Men’s Camping Trip June 21-23

Men of Livingwaters,

Get ready to dust off those hiking boots and pack your sense of adventure because our Men’s Camping Event at Wild River State Park is just around the corner, and it’s going to be epic!

We’re inviting you and (your son aged 10 and up) to join us from June 21st to June 23rd for a weekend filled with outdoor excitement, bonding, and just the right amount of manliness. With only 18 spots available, this promises to be an intimate and enriching experience for all participants.

There will be hiking, options to canoe, or just chill by the fire and enjoy the outdoors.

Spaces for this adventure are as limited so be sure to RSVP ASAP to snag your spot! E-mail or text Zach Hill to reserve your spot. or 612-209-0384

This camping trip isn’t just about having fun; it’s about strengthening the bond between fathers and sons, and fostering camaraderie with the Men of LivingWaters

Adventure awaits!

Dan Afanasyev, Mike Johnson, Zach Hill


Men of Waters on the Move

If men lived committed to God, families & Biblical values with focus, intentionality and passion, what kind of men would we become?

Our vision for the men at LivingWaters is to be men on the move

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you declares the LORD. I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees” Ezekiel 36:26-27

The mission of our Men of LivingWaters ministries is to …

Engage ~ Encourage ~ Equip ~ Empower Men

  • Engage ~ connected & building a solid foundation (encourage)
    • “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” ~ Proverbs 17:17
  • Equipped ~ sustaining a life of discipleship (equip)
    •  “Be on guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
  • Empowered ~ investing in the life of other men (empower)
    • “We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.  To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy . . .” ~ Colossians 1:28-29

“People were not meant to do life alone but in the context of loving, supportive, grace-giving, truth-telling relationships. So we tell people that they need to find a spiritual Running Partner if they want to journey on The Way of Christ.”

~ John Burke in “No Perfect People Allowed”

What could God accomplish through our devotion?

“Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergyman or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.” ~ John Wesley

Connection Opportunities

What are we doing this year?

  • Service Projects
  • Golf outings
  • Bible Studies
  • Small Groups
  • Meet for Breakfast or Wings

Meals Together

Quarterly Saturday morning Men’s breakfast at the Ministry Center


Upcoming Men's Ministry Events

Get involved with Men's Ministries
