
April 01, 2020

Clear The Stage

My son and I were texting about hearts and protecting hearts and holding hearts. He then reminded me of the song Clear The Stage by Jimmy Needham and how we have a chance to live...

March 01, 2020

What’s In Your Pile?

What’s in your pile? You know… the pile that’s gonna burn? The pile that you put so much hope in. The pile where lots of time goes. The pile where your talent, money, relationships, dreams live. What’s in...

February 18, 2020

Yet God

I ticked someone off this morning by 7:30 and it wasn’t even a family member. I took Murphy to the dog park early and as we entered a lady and her dog stopped walking and...

February 10, 2020

Seat At The Table

Equality. Inequality. Authority. Submission. Feminism. Sexism. Classism. Racism. It’s all there in I Corinthian’s 11. And it’s all wrapped up in this verse: “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance...

December 31, 2019

21 Days of Prayer

The Kings Agenda – 21 Days of Prayer – Jan. 5-26 Please consider joining in prayer for the mission of LivingWaters church as we seek to be a church that is… Conformed to the Kingdom vision...

December 16, 2019

Advent Promise – Love

Advent means “coming” or “arrival” ~ it is a season of attention & focus on the promises of the coming Messiah. It is a season of expectation: hope, joy, love, peace & presence of a...

December 09, 2019

Advent Promise – Joy!

Advent means “coming” or “arrival” ~ it is a season of attention & focus on the promises of the coming Messiah. It is a season of expectation: hope, joy, love, peace & presence of a...

December 06, 2019

Advent Promise – Hope

Advent means “coming” or “arrival” ~ it is a season of attention & focus on the promises of the coming Messiah. It is a season of expectation: hope, joy, love, peace & presence of a...