Forgiven & Forgotten

“We have a hard time believing God forgives and forgets our sins because we have trouble doing it ourselves” (A line from Scott’s message on 12/30/18 – LW sermons)

We don’t forgive ourselves, we don’t forgive others. We don’t forget our sins and struggles, we don’t forget others.

So why would God? Why indeed.

Why would He forgive time and time again that thing I can’t stop doing, or that obsession that gives me life, or that attitude that affects everyone around me?

How can He forget all those things when I keep coming to Him with it once again. “Here I am again… I did it again, I can’t stop thinking this, I can’t stop saying that. Will you forgive me… again…? 

What is it for you? What struggle is part of your life that keeps you lying on the ice-slicked sidewalk where you fell?

Is it outward circumstances that keep you down? Is it inward sin that you can’t let go of? What is it?

Why don’t we trust Him when He says He is good, why don’t we believe He is good when we have experienced it time and time again?

We let pain rule in our hearts.

We let the hard circumstances of life have power in our hearts.

Our gaze is so fixed on the troubled water around us – we’d rather drown than look up towards Him.

He makes all things new. He redeems all things hard. Nothing is wasted with God.

Let these words from the song Promise Keeper move in your heart this new year. Forget your sins and struggles and remember He is the Promise Keeper who will do as He says He will:

Promise Keeper, You will never fail Your love is true Promise Keeper, You deliver
On Your word And I will trust You

You never lie, You never lie, You see my need, You hear my cry, You never fail, You never fail, You never have, You never will, Your word remains forever

You never sleep, You never sleep, You keep Your hand and Your eye on me, You always will, You always will, You’re faithful now, You were faithful then – Israel Houghton & Travis Greene

I am HE – Isaiah 43:18-19, 25

“Forget the former thing; do not swell on the past. See, I am doin a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more”


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