Sing Choirs of Angels – by Pastor Scott

Sing Choirs of Angels - by Pastor Scott

LW Scriptures & Reflection – November 27, 2021

Sing choirs of Angels ~ Sing citizens of Heaven

On my way into the office this morning, neighbors were hanging Christmas lights and the Christian radio station in my car was resounding with Christmas music: “O Come let us Adore Him” ~ “Silent Night” and “Linus & Lucy” the piano piece to “A Charlie Brown Christmas” by jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi. Thanksgiving was over, quickly pushed aside for what’s next. Arriving at the office I received an urgent email declaring: “Registration for summer camp is now open!”  Whoa, slow your roll, what’s the rush?

The season of Advent reminds us to anticipate and appreciate the glorious gifts of our Messiah’s appearance.

ADVENT preparations: Glory to God, glory in the highest

On Sunday, November 28, we will begin a new four-week advent sermon series that I am calling, Songs in the Night –Angelic proclamations of Christ’s coming- “Do not be afraid” Christmas Past, Present & Future.

In the famous novel and play by Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol” the story is told of a bitter old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge and his transformation after supernatural visits by spirits of Christmas Past, Present & Yet to Come. Scrooge’s transformation from fear to freedom, from gloom and misery to joy is wonderful.

The extraordinary visits and proclamations of God’s angelic messengers were also met with fear & doubt but the people were transformed and they themselves became messengers of great hope, joy & peace!

Oh that this would be true of me and of us this Christmas.

Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room

We will sing, JOY, the glories of His righteousness, and we will sing, the wonders of His LOVE

But, what is Advent?

-An excerpt from Because of Bethlehem by Pastor and best-selling author, Max Lucado

Every year Advent invites us to prepare our hearts once more for the gift—the gift that seemingly is too good to be true but is, in fact, miraculously and joyously true! And each year, we have the opportunity to say yes to that invitation, to prepare our hearts for the miracle of Immanuel, “God with us.”

The word advent comes from the Latin word adventus and simply means “coming” or “arrival.” Advent begins each year on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, which is the Sunday closest to November 30.

It is a season in which Christians around the world celebrate the First Advent, Jesus’ birth, and also anticipate the Second Advent, Christ’s return. Although the themes of Advent sometimes vary, those most commonly observed during the four weeks of Advent are hope, peace, joy, and love.


Sunday, 11/28 – “I saw the Light” – read Luke 2:21-33

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. My eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” – Luke 2:29-32 (NIV)

Simeon’s Proclamation (also read 1:11-20)

Don’t be afraid…Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, Shepherds…

and all who still seek Him

Peace & Joy to you all,

Pastor Scott

O Come Let us Adore Him & give Him all the glory – Maverick City Music



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