I Saw The Light – Luke 2:21-32

Songs in the Night

Angelic proclamations of Christ’s coming: “Do not be afraid”

I saw the Light – Luke 2:21-32

My eyes have seen… a light for revelation, salvation & glory

Light Revealed:

1. Light in the past – revelation

Sovereign Lord, as you have promised

Christmas past – promise proclaimed


2. Light in the present – Jesus

My eyes have seen your salvation

Christmas present – promise perceived


3. Light in the future – glory

A light for the Gentiles and for glory for Israel

Christmas future – peace to the people


The visits begin: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. I am Gabriel, I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you to tell you this good news.”

Hope has come – a gift of glorious Light!

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