The Book of Genesis is, in some ways, one of the most important books in the Bible. To properly understand the entire Bible, one must clearly understand Genesis. In fact, the New Testament quotes from Genesis at least 165 times. Key doctrine and themes discussed in this class will be: sin, redemption, justification, the fall, evil, Israel, the promise of the Messiah, creation, and covenants. Key stories and characters in Genesis are: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. The Book of Genesis also serves as the first book of the Pentateuch. We will study the Book of Genesis verse by verse as well as using a full PowerPoint presentation. SPECIAL IN-DEPTH BIBLE STUDY ON THE BOOK OF GENESIS September 5 - December 19, 2023 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30PM Hosted by LivingWATERS church: 22222 Dodd Blvd., Lakeville, MN 55044 Registration Fee: $75 per person or $100 per couple/family. Register at: - questions please call: 612-396-3091 Class taught by Rev. Dr. John A. Mayer, President of City Vision. John has taught 31 different college and graduate level courses at several colleges and universities. He has also worked with over 1,700 churches from 75 denominations, ministries, and missions organizations in the areas of research, consulting, church planting, diaspora, city reaching, and strategy work. He speaks/teaches globally. He has also personally taken over 27,000 people on a Discover Your City Tour in several different U.S. cities. He is the author of the CityView Report book now in its 17th Edition. All are welcome to take this important course on Genesis!
Sign Up HERE Bibliology: The Doctrine of the Bible This course is expected to last for 10 weeks, from September 12 to December 5 (two weeks planned to not meet). We will meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:15pm Our study will include: Revelation – what it means regarding our Bibles The source of the Bible – where did it come from? Inspiration – what does it mean? Inerrancy – does the Bible contain errors? How was Scripture recorded? Is the Bible I hold in my hands the Word of God? Textual criticism – friend or foe? Illumination – understanding the Bible Is the Bible enough – are we missing something? Hermeneutics – studying the Bible The instructor is Gene Dahmes If you have any questions you are welcome to contact Gene at There is no charge for this class; it is provided as a ministry of LivingWaters Church. The class has a syllabus, and a copy will be available for everyone in the class. If you prefer a digital copy that is available as well. There is also a textbook for the class. It is: The Moody Handbook of Theology by Paul Enns. You are not required to get this book; it is recommended for your benefit as an excellent source for information now and in the future. Amazon link for the book to purchase new or used: Abe Books has used copies for less:
Women gather together and make crafts
SIGN UP BY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 4 Fall Retreat: October 13-15th – Sign up HERE Who: LivingWaters Youth Group 6th-12th grade students & friends What: A weekend of building on our relationship with God and friends When: Friday, October 13 to Sunday, October 15, 2023 Where: Meet at 22222 Dodd Blvd Lakeville MN on Friday @ 4PM; return Sunday @ 4PM. The retreat will be at Camp Shamineau More info about the camp can be found at Cost: $120.00 per student. Scholarships are available – please see Chris Redman.