
Aug 2017

Raise your hand if you read directions. How many of you muddle through something figuring it out as you go? A few weeks ago, the Peterson’s got a trampoline. And it took all 6 of us to put it together. Scott, Austin, DJ, Kylie, Jaylen and myself. Some of us read the directions… some......

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July 26, 2017

The Race

One of the best endings to a movie imho (‘in my humble opinion’ for those who aren’t quite hip enough) is the last scene of the Disney movie “Secretariat” the amazing horse that won the...

Fight On
February 25, 2017

Fight On

“Adrian!” “Yo ADRIAAAN!!” Cue trumpet.. da da dada da dadada da da Can’t you see it? Rocky all sweaty and bloody, his eyes beaten, swollen shut, nose broken… surrounded by reporters, flashing lights, microphone’s shoved...

January 19, 2017

Brick House

“Oh she’s a Brick… House…” If you know the next words, just hum them. If you don’t know them, don’t look it up: I don’t want it to be a stumbling block for you! This...