
Mar 2017

It’s easy to forget that we are the love interest of the Father. On the flip side it’s easy to forget that we are hated by the enemy. On Sunday Paul Carlberg gave us a good visual of how satan stalks us. Crouched over swaying back and forth, waiting for an opportunity to slither......

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Fight On
February 25, 2017

Fight On

“Adrian!” “Yo ADRIAAAN!!” Cue trumpet.. da da dada da dadada da da Can’t you see it? Rocky all sweaty and bloody, his eyes beaten, swollen shut, nose broken… surrounded by reporters, flashing lights, microphone’s shoved...

February 15, 2017

Stop & Speak

“I see you Kylie!” It was moments before the start of the Indoor Big Ten 60 meter finals, Kylie was getting in her start position ready for the race when she heard those words break...