Monthly Archives: June 2024

Jun 2024
Seeking Shelter by Pastor Scott

Seeking Shelter – take refuge in His strong arms Take some time to read this beautiful song of David as he cried out to God for rescue and strength. Symbols of Strength – running for cover! Have you ever had to run for cover or seek shelter from a literal storm? What about emotional,......

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June 20, 2024


It’s a miracle really, this plan of God’s. The plan to share His love with us…weak human vessels. Not that He created us weak and incompetent–His creation is always strong and powerful. It’s just that...

Happy Father's Day
June 13, 2024

Happy Father’s Day

What word or words do you think of when you think of your dad? I have two – stressed and laughing, seemingly contradictory – but true. He was stressed, but he loved jokes – telling...