Without Fruit or Root

Live in Saving Grace – Jude

Without Fruit or Root – Jude 12-16

They are clouds without rain…tress without fruit…uprooted”

Final Warning: Three Blemishes of Corruption & Truth Tests

  1. Deception (v. 12-13)

They are empty clouds, fruitless tree, wild waves

Plotting deception or promoting truth

Truth Test: = Am I sincerely seeking the truth?

  1. Destiny (v. 14-15)

They have committed acts of ungodliness…judgment

Pursuing ungodliness or positioning for godliness

Truth Test: Am I earnestly aiming for the eternal?

  1. Deeds (v. 16)

They follow their own evil sinful desires

Practicing passions of the flesh or keeping pace with the Spirit

Truth Test: Am I authentically contending for the faith?

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