The Making Of a Movement

The Making Of a Movement

Jesus from Matthew 16:18 “I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

John 4:35, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:16-20  & Acts 1:8

Church Planting – why we don’t plant – John 4:35

  1. Save Dying Churches – Peter Wagner – “Church planting is the most effective evangelism methodology under heaven.”
  2. “We’re Here” Mentality
  3. “No” to Sacrifice
  4. Mistaken Belief

Church Planting – why Plant Churches? – Acts 1:8

  1. Great Commission Reason – Matthew 28:16-20
  2. Hermeneutics Reason – Roland Allen: “Church planting, (not the converting of individuals)  was the method of the Apostle Paul.”
  3. Exemplar Reason – Acts 11:19-26
  4. Living on Mission Reason
  5. Perishing Reason – Luke 15


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