Solitary Prayer – Luke 4:42-44; 5:16

Praying like Jesus series – Gospel of Luke

“Lord, teach us to pray… When you pray…” Luke 11:1-4


Solitary PrayerLuke 4:42-44; 5:16

“At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place”


What can we learn from the prayer example of Jesus?

Jesus Prayer Pattern #1 – alone, early, often

  1. Personal – Luke 4:42a & 11:2

Jesus went to a solitary place…when you pray, say: “Father”


  1. Private – Luke 4:42b & 5:15

Solitary place…people looking…withdrew to lonely places


  1. Purposeful – Luke 4:43-44 & 11:2

I must preach the kingdom…Your Name, Your kingdom


What will we do to engage in the prayer example of Jesus?

Personal prayer application (watch & walk)


When:           ___________________________________

Where:         ___________________________________

Why:            ___________________________________


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