Palm Sunday: Rags to Riches – John 12:1-15

Palm Sunday: Rags to Riches – John 12:1-15

Lazarus was among those reclining at the table.

Witnesses – three acts/traits of honor:

  1. Living Testimony (Lazarus) John 12:1-2, 9-11

Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.

Lazarus testified to Jesus – victor over death!


  1. Living Sacrifice (Mary) John 12:3-8

Mary took an expensive perfume, pouring it on Jesus’ feet.

Mary sacrificed to Jesus – worthy of devotion!


  1. Living Celebrants (crowd) John 12:12-15

Declaration: “Hosanna! Blessed Lord & King!”

Will we celebrate Jesus, as King & Lord?


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