Justified in Grace by Faith – Galatians 2:15-16

Justified in Grace by Faith – Galatians 2:15-16

“We have put our faith in Jesus Christ…justified by faith”

How is it that we can have a right standing with God?

Three options:

  1. Right standing by birth -because of who I am?

By birth as Jews not Gentile sinners (2:15) – No!

  1. Right standing by burden -because of what I’ve done?

By observing the law (2:16) – No!

  1. Right standing by belief -because of who He is?

By putting our faith in Jesus Christ (2:16) – Yes!


Two essential gifts of grace: salvation & righteousness

Salvation (delivered from sin) is by faith, apart from works

Justification (declared righteous) is by faith, apart from works

Have you put your faith & trust in Christ alone?

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