A Different Gospel – Galatians 1:4-9

A Different Gospel – Galatians 1:4-9

“Some people are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ”

A tragic turning away from the truth of God’s grace

Good News turned Bad – Three Dangers to Avoid

  1. Deserting our God (1:6) – His plan of redemption

A departure from grace led to legalism or license

Turning from the gospel of grace to legalism or license

Courage step: Resolve to honor God’s plan

  1. Distorting the Gospel (1:7) – laws & regulations

A different doctrine of salvation by works was damaging

Courage step: Resolve to hold firm to the teachings of Jesus

  1. Destruction by God (1:8-9) – devoted to destruction

A disregard for God’s warning led to being destroyed

Courage step: Resolve to heed the warnings of adding to grace

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