Sign up to be a GUEST HERE Sign up to HOST HERE An all-church social - inter-generational - young, old, couples with or without kids, and singles. The fun part of the whole event is the host doesn’t know who is coming to dinner until the guests walk through the door. The guests won’t know whose home they are going to until the morning of the event. If you choose to be a HOST: You open your home (the host determines how many guests he/she can comfortably accommodate) You provide the main course (should be tasty, not necessarily complicated). Menu ideas range from grilling out to a casserole or soup) You won’t know who’s coming to dinner until you greet each guest at your own front door The rest of the evening could be games (charades, Pictionary, etc.) or just “plain old conversation.” If you choose to be a GUEST: You don’t know where you are going until the morning of the event. The dinner coordinator will let you know via email that morning where you will be going. She has already arranged the dinner placements and will keep that information a secret. Sh-sh-sh! When you receive your assignment, you must not share where you are going to dinner with anyone else, except your husband or wife. (One time we had a husband who didn’t even tell his wife where they were going that evening, thus heightening the intrigue!) Show up! Some guests will have volunteered to bring a side dish (green salad, dessert, or rolls and butter)
The Adult Bible Class series, "Know What You Believe" continues the study of our church Statement of Faith. On September 17th we will study, "The Last Things." What do we believe about how all of what we know comes to an end? Second coming of Christ, the Kingdom, judgment, heaven and hell. Meets in Classroom 1/2
SIGN UP HERE September 22-23* (*Saturday night/Sunday option) Have great fun outdoors, build authentic relationships among men & encourage one another as followers of Jesus Christ Location: Gull Lake chain in Nisswa, MN Rustic cabins on beautiful Lake Margaret & Roy Lake Fishing (bass, walleye, pike & pan fish) Hiking/Biking (many good trails & paved paths) Hunting (Partridge & small game) Shooting Range ($15 to $20 extra in cash) Bonfires Boating (Pontoon rides) Please sign up for activities/interest so we can plan. Golfing ~ 18 holes ($40 extra) Maddens West: