Laura Adams
Sign Up HERE Games grilling steaks and group discussion Suggested donation $10 (quality steaks and toppings) Video: "The True Summit" Devotional "Don't do life alone!"
Gene Dahmes
Worship Service Join us on Sunday's as we worship our King Jesus and learn more of His Word Children stay in the service and then are dismissed to children's church after the worship set. Education Options Children - preK-5th grade Youth - 6th-12th Adults - "Effective Parenting in a Defective World"
Worship Service in person and on line Join us on Sunday's as we worship our King Jesus and learn more of His Word Children stay in the service and then are dismissed to children's church after the worship set. Education Option Children - preK-5th grade Adult Bible Study
Interested in a short term mission to trip to Alaska? Meet in MC classroom at 11:30 Lunch provided - RSVP to Gene Dahmes