Ministry Center Classroom

Lakeville Young Life

Bible Study

Study on “Maturing in Christ” by George Stagg. The 4 book series covers Colossians and Ephesians and “The goals of the series are the same goals of Jesus Christ for the churches, which are specifically stated in the books of Colossians, Ephesians, and 1 Thessalonians”. We will use these 4 books to “equip saints for ministry in the church and in the world; to build up the church in love and unity in the faith; to deepen in the knowledge of Jesus Christ; to become mature Christians; to become like Jesus Christ”. There is some homework of Bible reading and discussion questions to think about prior to meetings. Fellowship at 6:30pm with the study from 7-9pm. It will be held at Tim and Roxy McGraw’s home in Burnsville. Books cost $7. Please contact Roxy or Tim for information at 612.245.3337 and a book can be ordered for you.

Women’s Bible Study

Ministry Center

We all face difficulties, and sometimes have feelings of regret, dissatisfaction, disappointment and discouragement. “These difficulties in life aren't evidence of God's inattention. In fact, they are signs of His grace, love, and faithfulness. God will take us where we don't want to go to produce in us what we couldn't achieve on our own. It's called uncomfortable grace.” Paul Tripp. God in His wisdom, love and grace will remind us of our need for Him, and that our true identity, purpose and joy are only found in Christ Jesus. “Lost in the Middle" by Paul Tripp shines the light of Scripture on life between salvation and going home to be with the Lord. God’s word helps us take an honest look at what is going on in our hearts. He equips us, so that we can face the struggles of living in a fallen world with humility and godliness. We can move forward with anticipation, confidence and hope because God is good, He is near, and He has promised to complete the work He began in us. Meeting Wednesday mornings 9:30-11:30 at the Ministry Center, March 28th – April 25th. Contact Jody Wilde for more information.

Food & Fellowship Night – All Ages

Join us for a church wide food and fellowship night. This month our meal is Tacos! The Church is providing all the food. No RSVP needed and you don't need to bring anything excepts yourselves! We could use some help setting up and cleaning up. If you would like to help out with that click here to sign up to help out. 6:30-7:25PM - Gather and meal together 7:25-7:40PM: Games 7:40-8PM: Worship & devotions

ROCK/Adoption Support group

Ministry Center Classroom

Sign up to be a sitter from 7-8:30 HERE Family's and adoptee's -join together for dinner and fellowship. Meeting in the Ministry Center at 6:00PM for dinner. Child care is provided

Worship Service Cancelled

Due to the winter storm LivingWaters will be closed - No worship service