Youth Valleyfair


Valleyfair Event August 17th -Registration required (one entry per student coming) SIGN UP HERE Arrive at 2:15pm, carpools depart at 2:30pm -Park closes at 9:00pm, carpools will leave at park closing and arrive back at LW -Cost is $29.99 per student -For all incoming 6-12 grade students -Feel free to bring a friend -Note: Valleyfair concessions and midway games do NOT take cash.  They have a kiosk where you can convert cash to prepaid cards.  Plan accordingly! -Note: 6-8 grade students will be required to be accompanied by a chaperone as they walk around the park.  9-12 grade students may walk around in their own group of 3 or more.  Chaperones will be available at all times via phone and check in times.