Intergenerational Service Project

Intergenerational Groups gather together once more to finish our school year time together with an all ages service project here at LivingWaters & off-site at Paul Povolny's Shop. Together we will: Paint shelves & racking for the worship center storage rooms at Paul Povolny's shop Cleaning projects indoors in the Worship Center Weather permitting outdoor yard work at the church property Our night will end back together here for ice-cream and fellowship.

No Youth FF& P

No youth food and prayer night for tonight at the Etter's but join us next week from 5:30-7:30PM

Youth BBQ & Night Games

Youth plan to join us for our (free) monthly event in June on Friday June 21st from 8-11PM. We will BBQ and once it gets dark we will play some great night games. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP (to help with planning signups are due by 10Pm Thursday night)

No Youth FF&P

No youth food and prayer night for tonight at the Etter's but join us next week from 5:30-7:30PM

Youth Camping

Cleary Lake

LivingWaters Youth Group is camping Friday Night July 26th at Cleary Lake Campground in Prior Lake MN. We have a group site reserved so plenty of space to bring your friends. Arrive to LivingWaters at 4PM on Friday 26th and get picked up from LivingWaters at noon on Saturday July 27th. Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and snacks will be provided. Bring a sleeping bag & pillow. Cost is 25.00 cash. Click here to sign up for the camping trip

Wedding Shower

Ministry Center

Ladies join us to celebrate Kayla Ruthenbeck and her upcoming marriage to Monroe Powell

Youth to Valleyfair

Click Here To Sign Up For ValleyFair LivingWaters Youth Group is heading to ValleyFair Wednesday evening 8-14-19. This event welcomes the new incoming 6th graders. All youth meet at LivingWaters at 4PM. Tickets are 27.99 if you buy your ticket in advance online, or 37.00 at the gate (please send cash). If buying online, look for the after 4 PM discounted ticket to get that 27.99/ticket price. We will arrive back to LivingWaters between 10:45 & 11PM. Please be sure to sign youth up with the form below so we can properly arrange carpooling. Be sure to send some extra spending cash for any food or drink your youth will need while at the park.

Youth Leaders Kickoff Meeting

All returning youth leaders and also those interested in serving on our youth ministry team please plan to join us from 6-9PM in the worship center for our school year kick off meeting. RSVP with Paul Carlberg