Youth Group

Last Youth group of the school year!


Classroom #1

Education hour for Kindergarten through adults


Classroom #1

Education hour for adults

Youth Camping

Outdoor property Outdoor property

Camping @ LivingWaters! Arrive at 6PM on Friday and get picked up at noon on Saturday.  Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, clothes for tomorrow and a swim suit.  Cost is only 5 bucks and includes dinner on Friday, snacks and breakfast on Saturday.  Bring a tent if you have one, but it's not required.

Youth Camping

Camping @ LivingWaters! Arrive at 6PM on Friday and get picked up at noon on Saturday. Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, clothes for tomorrow and a swim suit. Cost is only 5 bucks and includes dinner on Friday, snacks and breakfast on Saturday. Bring a tent if you have one, but it's not required.



Education hour for adults