Olympic VBS

Register your kids HERE Volunteer for VBS HERE Free VBS July 27, 28, and 29 from 6:15pm-8:15pm At LivingWaters Church: 22222 Dodd Blvd., Lakeville, 55044    OLYMPICS - MORE THAN GOLD  Olympics – More than Gold encourages kids to run the race of life with their eyes on Jesus, because he died for us so that we could enjoy a prize much greater than gold!  Our prize of eternal life and living life today with Him is much greater than a medal or ribbon.  Just as Olympic athletes train, we as followers of Christ must also train. It is worth our time, effort and sacrifice to train towards righteousness for the prize that is worth more than gold! Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. ~1 Corinthians 9:25 VBS will be packed with 3 full evenings of Bible stories, singing and dancing to worship music, as well as Olympic themed games, crafts and snacks for LivingWaters kids and friends.  We encourage our LW kids to invite neighbors, friends and family to join us!  This event is for kids ages 4 years old to kids entering 6th grade in the fall.    

Neighbor Appreciation Day

FREE Community day! Contact julie@livingwatersmn.com or 952-435-1995 for more information 9AM-1PM Free School Supplies Free Grocery bags of food Free Fresh Produce Prayer Table - people here to pray with and for you Other activities: Bouncy House, Fire Truck, Mini Golf, Sport Court, Disc Golf 11AM-1PM- Food Trucks Burnt Chicken Taco Tacubra MN Nice Cream 10AM-12PM Haircuts - hair stylist & barber Photo booth Blood pressure checks 1PM - 3PM CPR Class - Sign up HERE

Celebration Outdoor Worship Service

Worship, Baptism, Testimonies, Word & Gospel presentation; Lunch & Recreation Lunch will be provided. Bring lawn chairs or blankets!

Youth Valley Fair

Youth Group is heading to Valley Fair Sunday 8-15 from 12:30-6PM. Cost is $27.99. For incoming 6th graders to 12th grade. Pack or grab lunch on your own right after church and our carpool will leave LivingWaters at 12:30. The group will be back to church at 6PM just in-time for you to catch dinner at home. SIGN UP BY FRIDAY AUGUST 13th! SIGN UP HERE


ROCK (Reclaiming Orphans as Commanded by our King) Is a LW Adoption ministry. We meet monthly for food and fellowship - the second Friday of each month. The first meeting will be Friday September 10th at 6pm in the Worship Center. We eat together as families and then the kids have activities while the parents share and have fellowship. If you and your family are touched by adoption and/or foster care - this if for you! Join us. Contact julie@livingwatersmn.com with questions.

Food & Fellowship Night

Worship Center 22222 Dodd Blvd, Lakeville, MN, United States

Everyone is invited to share dinner together starting at 6:30PM followed by fellowship & worship.  Weather permitting dinner & dessert will be outside and worship will be in our church sanctuary.  All are welcome to join us but please take one moment and Click Here to RSVP/sign up so we are sure to have plenty of food.  

Fall Festival

Worship Center 22222 Dodd Blvd, Lakeville, MN, United States

  FALL FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS Are needed! There are a lot of  areas to serve in. Volunteers sign up HERE CANDY NEEDED FOR FALL FESTIVAL. Donate a bag of candy or 2 every Sunday in October KIDS invite your friends!

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Join us for a time of thanksgiving through song and sharing.  

Christmas Eve Service

Join us for a candle light service of Christmas Carols and a devotion about the Shepherd's song

The Reel Hope Project

Reel Hope will be with us this Sunday as part of the Sanctity of Life Sunday Reel Hope's Mission: To complete our mission of a forever family for every child, our goal is to make a video for every kid in our state who is awaiting adoption. 1. The Reel Hope Project provides each reel to the county and adoption agency representing each kid for their adoption recruitment. 2. We take the reels to faith communities and events every week, introducing as many people as possible to these kids.