Adopt-a-Highway Service Project Saturday, October 28th, 8:30 to 10:30AM Sign Up HERE Picking up litter/trash on a 3 mile stretch of Dodd Blvd Wear: footwear for wet conditions, gloves, long pants Vests and garbage bags provided
Adopt-a-Highway Service Project Saturday, October 28th, 8:30 to 10:30AM Sign Up HERE Picking up litter/trash on a 3 mile stretch of Dodd Blvd Wear: footwear for wet conditions, gloves, long pants Vests and garbage bags provided
SIGN UP HERE To fill a basket THANKSGIVING BASKETS - Every year we partner with El Bethel Church in Minneapolis by providing baskets of food they distribute to their community. Pick up a card in the Commons or find the list in the Connection Link. Baskets should be brought back to church by Nov. 19th
Sign Up HERE THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE Join us for a night of fellowship and a service of praise and thanksgiving, 6PM - Soup & Salads 7PM - Thanksgiving service 8PM - Pie If you can help bring something for the meal or some pie, sign up above. We are also looking for a couple of people to lead the kitchen crew in serving the food. We look forward to this special night!
We will be tying fleece blankets again for 360 Communities.
Sign up HERE Save the date! The Women’s Ministry invites you to a “Make and Take” Christmas centerpiece extravaganza on Friday evening, December 1st at 7 pm. All materials will be supplied ($10 entrance fee). Participate in an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest (prizes awarded), eat delicious treats (yummy), and most of all, fellowship with other LivingWaters women (yay!). More information to follow.
Children's Christmas Program - in both services
Join us in the sanctuary to watch the movie The Star. Sign up HERE
YOUTH MOVIE NIGHT - Mighty Ducks 2 Wednesday December 27th - 6-9pm Pizza & drinks provided. Bring a pillow and blanket if you'd like!
The Reel Hope Project will be with us. Check out their mission HERE