Bible Teaching Classes for K-5th kids, 6th-12th youth and adults Meets in various rooms in the Worship Center
Bible Teaching Classes for K-5th kids, 6th-12th youth and adults Meets in various rooms in the Worship Center
Bible Teaching Classes for K-5th kids, 6th-12th youth and adults Meets in various rooms in the Worship Center
Watch for the invite link or contact Gene Dahmes for details
Check with Gene Dahmes for the link for zoom
Contact Gene Dahmes for the link on Zoom
16700 Pilot Knob Rd, Lakeville Everyone is invited to join others from LW to play at the park. Nothing is organized, just a time during the week for the kids to play Each week is a different park
14621 Hampshire Ave. S Savage Everyone is invited to join others from LW to play at the park. Nothing is organized, just a time during the week for the kids to play Each week is a different park