Adult Class on Zoom
Check with Gene Dahmes for the link for zoom
Check with Gene Dahmes for the link for zoom
Contact Gene Dahmes for the link on Zoom
16700 Pilot Knob Rd, Lakeville Everyone is invited to join others from LW to play at the park. Nothing is organized, just a time during the week for the kids to play Each week is a different park
14621 Hampshire Ave. S Savage Everyone is invited to join others from LW to play at the park. Nothing is organized, just a time during the week for the kids to play Each week is a different park
17100 Ipava Ave. Lakeville Everyone is invited - nothing organized, just a time for the kids to play
6855 Fortino Street, AV Everyone is invited - nothing organized, just a time for the kids to play
17 Elm St. Farmington Everyone is invited - nothing organized, just a time for the kids to play
1103 Adams St. S Shakopee Everyone is invited - nothing organized, just a time for the kids to play
12100 River Hills Drive Burnsville Everyone is invited - nothing organized, just a time for the kids to play
16050 Garrett Path Lakeville Everyone is invited - nothing organized, just a time for the kids to play