The Solemn Refusal – Mark 10:17-27

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God

“The Solemn Refusal”Mark 10:17-27

How difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God

What is hindering or keeping us from fully following the King?


Two Barriers to Kingdom Wealth:

  1. Self-sufficiency – 10:17-20

All these I have kept since I was a boy

Difficulties of self-sufficiency replaced by goodness of God

What must I do? (Mt. 19:16) – insufficient goodness


  1. Status – earthly riches – 10:21-25

How hard it is for the rich to enter – eye of a needle

Difficulties of status replaced by grace gifted from God

What do I still lack? (Mt. 19:20) – insufficient funds


Who can enter and be saved? Mark 10:26-27

With God all things are possible

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