An Attacker Advances

Nahum 2:1-13

Two Reasons for remaining Attentive & Humble:

1. Severity of the LORD ~ against the lion of Assyria

“An attacker advances against you Nineveh” (2:1-10)

The description of Nineveh’s fall ~ God’s severe assault

2. Strength of the LORD ~ assertive Lion of Judah

“I am against you, declares the LORD Almighty” (2:11-13)

The defeat of Nineveh proclaimed ~ God’s assertive strength

Our response to the severity & strength of God is Humility

“Though the LORD is exalted, He regards the lowly, but the haughty (arrogant) He knows from afar.” – Psalm 138:6

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble


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