Wisdom in the Wind by Pastor Scott

Wisdom in the wind – Solomon’s search for significance
“Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
I have seen all the things done under the sun; all of them are meaningless/vanity.
Chasing/striving after the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:2, 14).
Have you ever tried to catch anything that was blowing in the wind or is there something that you chased after that was just out of your grasp? I officiated an outdoor wedding one day when the wind swept away all my notes, which wasn’t terrible until I realized the couple’s marriage license was in those papers. Chasing after those papers on the adjacent golf course was somewhat embarrassing. Seeking meaning & significance in this life can be more than embarrassing and can leave us feeling empty when we finally grasp what is fleeting.
Where is meaning found? What does it mean to live well? What is the full life that Jesus promised?
On Sunday, February 2nd we will begin a new study in the poetic & prose literature found in one of the Bible’s Five Books of Wisdom – Ecclesiastes. Let me start with the end in mind (a good way to live for eternity):
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
What is this book? The goal of wisdom literature is to help us grow in godly wisdom & Biblical understanding.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Prov. 9:10
- Author: Qoheleth, teacher, son of David, Jerusalem king (1:1); possibly Solomon
- Audience: all of humanity living “under the sun” (29 times)
- Approximate date: around 935 BCE (later if different author)
- Aim: search for meaning, realize limitations of life; concluding that apart from God everything is empty or an enigma (Hebrew: Hevel); breath, fleeting, meaningless, vanity, vapor or wind tossed.
- Awe: God is in heaven (5:1-7); Creator, Judge, Redeemer, and Sovereign over all (7:13).
Therefore, stand in awe of God – Ecclesiastes 5:7
What’s the big idea? Some of the main themes found in Ecclesiastes:
- The findings of King Solomon’s search for meaning and the pretense of pleasure.
- The flaws of human wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge.
- The fading pursuits of work, designs, desires, riches and social status under the sun.
- The advantages of wisdom & the fear of the Lord to comprehend the daily gifts of God.
“To the one who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but…” Ecclesiastes 2:26
- The precursor to King Jesus as the personification of wisdom and source of true contentment.
- The fear, pursuit & worship of God as the only devotion that can satisfy our hearts.
- The ultimate meaning and purpose of life is found in a personal relationship with God.
Where are you looking for beauty, meaning & purpose in this life under the sun?
Standing in awe & worship of our God & King,
Pastor Scott