National Day of Prayer by Linda Emanuelson

Since I was a little girl . . . . I have felt the need to pray. Some of my earliest memories were saying prayers with my mom before I went to bed. Then in elementary school I remember even before I would go to a sleepover at a friends, I would say my prayers before I went thinking I would not have opportunity once I was there.
In high school I would set my alarm early to have time on my knees in prayer before school. I even remember having smooth spots on my knees from where I knelt on them at the end of my bed. Looking back, I kind of was an odd child.
Prayer has been my go-to. It has carried me my whole life. Even now as an older lady . . . . I don’t feel quite prepared for the day until Paul and I have prayed together in the morning. But with all that said, I don’t consider myself a prayer warrior – but just a very dependent child of God, who in herself does not know what to do with all the things life brings, but I know the One who does. He has shown Himself faithful and true.
Recently I read in a newsletter, the following:
“There’s no denying how difficult it can be to keep our eyes looking up when there is so much in the world to drag us down. To be sure, today’s headlines are filled with reports of war and impending wars, persecution of Christians around the globe, political division and a moral depravity that is rapidly taking over every institution across society.”
We were born not by accident, but for this time in history and I believe the Lord wants us to fight on our knees. As Abraham Lincoln said: “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.”
I want to invite you to take time to pray on Thursday May 2nd, which is the 73rd National Day of Prayer. There are many events happening around our community.
At noon they will have a gathering outside the Lakeville City Hall, also a gathering at the state capital.
At LivingWaters – we will have prayer stations set up in the Worship Center Commons where you can come with your family, or alone, or even bring your small group. There will be seven prayer stations: Church, Family, Education, Business/Workplace, Military, Government and Arts/Entertainment/Media. There will be flyers with helpful scriptures and prayer prompts.
Because my heart is for children to learn to pray . . . this would be a beautiful opportunity to bring children or grandchildren to pray together. As with anything – prayer is caught more than taught.
The church will be open from 12:00pm to 7:00pm that day. Come and go when you can, stay as long as you are able.
The president of National Day of Prayer, Kathy Branzell writes: “Together we can write tomorrows history, continue to impact lives, ignite revival, and shape the spiritual destiny of our nation. May God richly bless you for your faithfulness.”
The theme for this years National Day of Prayer is “Lift up the Word-Light up the World”
Let’s go out and do that together on May 2nd.
Blessings, Linda Emanuelson