God’s people throughout the Scriptures give us some great examples of how they prepared for worship. The Jewish Sabbath begins at sunset, so the evening is set aside to prepare for a full day of rest. Preparations were often being made in advance for festivals, especially Passover.
Six days before the Passover festival Jesus and his disciples traveled to Jerusalem to prepare for this incredible week, often called “Passion Week” (another day to explain this term). Jesus told his disciples to prepare for the Passover meal and he told them about the preparations that were made for his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, where he would present himself as the Messiah!
All kinds of preparations have been made this week at Livingwaters for this most important season of worship, celebration, reflection, communion and teaching on the resurrection of Jesus.
- New TV monitors have been hung in the worship center
- The walls in the Sanctuary and commons received a fresh coat of paint
- The worship center was cleaned to sparkle, especially the bathrooms & kitchen
- The worship team has spent times in rehearsal
- Kid’s have been practicing their Hosanna! song
- Clothes have been purchased and already laid out for this special Sunday worship service
- Bible lessons have been prepared by teachers of children, youth & adults
- Scripture passages are being practiced for the public reading of God’s Word
- Palm branches have been purchased and placed in the worship center
- Refreshments are being prepared for fellowship
- Preparations, prayers, rehearsals, practices, Scriptures & songs all done to honor our King
- Bricks, rocks and stones have been “clearing their throats” just in case we don’t show up ready to sing praise (check it out in Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19 and John 12)
What will you do today, tonight, Sunday morning to prepare for the coming King?
The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today & be glad
Lord, save us! Hosanna! Lord, grant us success.
With boughs in hand; I will praise you
You are my God; I will exalt you”