Michael & Gina Stewart will be teaching a class called "Grace Based Parenting" starting on Sunday March 26th. The class is for parents with all kinds of home and family dynamics in mind and is focused mostly towards parents with children high school age and younger. The class will be offered durning the 9AM education hour at LivingWaters Church. It will meet in the lower level of our office & ministry center located at 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville MN. Child care will be provided for ages preschool and younger, and bible study classes are offered for k-12 students for the duration of this class. The class will be 8 weeks long and will take a break on Easter Sunday. Click Here To Sign Up
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Men of Waters Spring Breakfast - Sat., April 1 Men, save the date for our next Men's Breakfast Event ~ Saturday morning, April 1st (no this is not an April Fools joke). We will be gathering at the ministry center to eat a "hearty man's breakfast" and just hang out together. Then we will hear some testimonies from our men about what God has been teaching them or doing in their lives lately. After that we will brainstorm together some fun and challenging events or activities that you want to have put on the calendar for the remainder of the year. This is your "Men's Ministry" so participate and engage in the conversation! Click Here to sign up!
Michael & Gina Stewart will be teaching a class called “Grace Based Parenting” starting on Sunday March 26th. The class will be offered durning the 9AM education hour at LivingWaters Church. The class will meet in the lower level of our office & ministry center located at 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville MN. Child care will be provided for ages preschool and younger, and bible study classes are offered for k-12 students for the duration of this class. The class will be 8 weeks long and will take a break on Easter Sunday. Sign up HERE
Meeting Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30AM at the Ministry Center. "The Lords Prayer" study by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. will be lead by Jody Wilde. To sign up contact Jody at jodywilde6@gmail.com
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Michael & Gina Stewart will be teaching a class called “Grace Based Parenting”. The class will be offered durning the 9AM education hour at LivingWaters Church. The class will meet in the lower level of our office & ministry center located at 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville MN. Child care will be provided for ages preschool and younger, and bible study classes are offered for k-12 students for the duration of this class. The class will be 8 weeks long and will take a break on Easter Sunday. Sign Up HERE
Join us in celebrating the newest Goodreau addition, Adalyn Joy! A light lunch will served as we celebrate new life and adoption! Sunday April 9, 1pm at the Ministry Center
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Worship Choir Rehearsal for Easter All are welcome to join the choir (from 6th grade - adults). Contact Rachel with questions: rachel@livingwatersmn.com
Join us at 6PM for a (light) fellowship meal. Communion service at 7PM followed by scriptures, prayers and songs centered around the words of Christ on the cross
 Meeting and Returning to the Ministry Center. Dress up in any apparel from the decade of your choice! We will carpool from house to house enjoying different parts of the meal
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
SCRIPTURE AND AUTHORITY IN AN AGE OF SKEPTICISM During this Secret Church event, we will explore answers to critical questions about the Bible in order to discern what place it should have in the lives of Christians and the implications those answers have for our lives, our families, and our churches in the culture around us. Study Guide available for $10 (not required) Sign Up HERE
Michael & Gina Stewart will be teaching a class called “Grace Based Parenting” The class will be offered durning the 9AM education hour at LivingWaters Church. The class will meet in the lower level of our office & ministry center located at 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville MN. Child care will be provided for ages preschool and younger, and bible study classes are offered for k-12 students for the duration of this class. The class will be 8 weeks long and will take a break on Easter Sunday. Sign Up HERE
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Adopt-a-Highway clean-up on Dodd Saturday, April 29, 9:00AM Pick-up litter on Dodd Blvd near our entrance; be able to walk 1 ½ miles in uneven, dirty roadside ditches, bend and place litter in garbage bags. Dress appropriate for the weather; safety vests and garbage bags provided (at least 16 years old). Sign up HERE
Our April food-shelf collections will be deliverd to the Lakeville South High School Food Shelf. Focused Items: Breakfast bars Cereal boxes Dry foods (beef sticks) Eas Mac Fruit snacks Granola bars Gift Cards Hygiene items
Welcome Ryan & Kristen O’Leary Representing Jesus to Native American & First Nations people with Converge Worldwide. Ryan is an enrolled tribal member of the Bois Forte Band of Ojibwe in northern Minnesota. Ryan & Kristen have been involved in Native ministry in various forms for over 15 years.
Michael & Gina Stewart will be teaching a class called “Grace Based Parenting”. The class will be offered durning the 9AM education hour at LivingWaters Church. The class will meet in the lower level of our office & ministry center located at 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville MN. Child care will be provided for ages preschool and younger, and bible study classes are offered for k-12 students for the duration of this class. The class will be 8 weeks long and will take a break on Easter Sunday. Sign Up HERE
Are you new to LivingWaters? Do you eat food? We would like to get to know you more and connect over a meal together. Please join us for our Welcome Lunch Sunday April 30th in the upper level of the ministry center. RSVP HERE
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
National Day of Prayer. Consider joining any of these opportunities to be involved. LivingWaters will host a "Drive-Thru Prayer" here in our parking lot from 7-11:30AM We are looking for some volunteers to help set up and also to be here to pray for people that come. SIGN UP HERE to help Lakeville City Hall has a prayer gathering from 12-1 a group of us from LivingWaters will be going together. Meet here at 11:30AM if you would like to join us & carpool. Pulse Twin Cities is hosting "UNITE" a prayer gathering at US Bank Stadium starting at 7PM Admission is free and the event is outside the stadium on the Medtronic Plaza