Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Youth Ministry retreat at Camp Victory. Meeting at 5PM - leaving by 5:30PM on Friday -Retreat is Feb 3-5th & cost is 100.00 per student (please let me know if finances are an issue & we can work on this together) -Click on the link below to register your kids -The process is very quick, but I do need you to complete a separate registration for each kid you are sending on retreat. -Deposits are due 1-29-17 I extended this a week because you are just now getting this. -If you already turned in a medical form this year you do not need to fill a new one out. -If your kid would like to bring a friend on retreat that is fantastic! Just forward this message or email the link below to his or her parents. -Payment is still cash or check only but I'm working on an online credit card payment option for future events. Three important side notes: 1) If your kids have an obligation this particular weekend just know the camp is only about 45 min south of LivingWaters. Perhaps your kids can come for part of it let's talk. 2) If your kid(s) cannot come on retreat, please email me to let me know so I can begin to plan for headcount. 3) Retreat are a FANTASTIC way for students to get to know more. I highly encourage kids to attend if at all possible. Sign up at:
On Saturday February 4th at Target Field in Minneapolis, there will be a 5k walk/run to raise money and awareness to combat sex-trafficking. Trafficking increases in the city where the Super Bowl is held. In 2018, the Super Bowl will be here in Twin Cities. There will be a run this year (4th) and next year the Saturday before the Super Bowl. Some LivingWaters people will meet at the Ministry Center at 8:30AM on February 4th and car pool to the race at Target Field. The race is $35 if you sign up in advance, or $40 on race day.
The Honduras team is looking for items to bring with us to distribute to the people of the village where we will be drilling. Please bring these items to church by Sunday, Feb. 5th. Toothbrush covers, 2.5oz toothpaste (not travel size but found in travel section), bars of soap, marbles, and jump ropes. Thank you, the Honduras Mission Team.
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Host a group of guests at your house for dinner or be a guest at a house for dinner. But either way be a part of this fun church wide event! HOSTS FILL OUT BELOW GUESTS FILL OUT BELOW
Serving others ~ the link Hygiene Drive The link provides housing & homeless services for youth, juvenile justice services and Safe Harbor housing services for youth who are victims of sexual exploitation. Our small gift bags of personal hygiene items will be given to the link organization to distribute among the youth they serve: Pick up an empty bag and hygiene list on the Info table and return them by Sunday, February 26.
Meeting Wednesday mornings from 9-11:30AM at the Ministry Center. "The Lords Prayer" study by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. will be lead by Jody Wilde. To sign up contact Jody at 952-393-5445 or
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.