Education hour for Kindegarten through adults
Education hour for Kindegarten through adults
Michael & Gina Stewart will be teaching a class called "Grace Based Parenting" starting on Sunday March 26th. The class is for parents with all kinds of home and family dynamics in mind and is focused mostly towards parents with children high school age and younger. The class will be offered durning the 9AM education hour at LivingWaters Church. It will meet in the lower level of our office & ministry center located at 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville MN. Child care will be provided for ages preschool and younger, and bible study classes are offered for k-12 students for the duration of this class. The class will be 8 weeks long and will take a break on Easter Sunday. Click Here To Sign Up
Join us at 10:00am for worship & the Word
Preparing for Easter
small group meeting in the LW ministry Center
Ministry Leaders meeting
Meeting Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30AM at the Ministry Center. "The Lords Prayer" study by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. will be lead by Jody Wilde.
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.
Youth Ministry meets every Wednesday night (unless noted) for Youth Group. The typical evening involves a group game, worship, large group teaching & small group discussion. Youth Group is for 6-12th grade students.