Studying and discussing the book They Like Jesus but not the Church by Dan Kimball Amazon Class led by Dr. Jim Raymo
Worship & the Word
Office closed
Thompson Wedding Vows renewal
The adult class is meeting - Zach Hill teaching Elective class is not
Worship, Communion & the Word
No youth food and prayer night for tonight at the Etter's but join us next week from 5:30-7:30PM
Tonights intergenerational bonfire and BBQ will be a bit different & were looking to get your help tonight even if you don't typically come to the intergen BBQ's over the summer. We plan to canvas 13 different neighborhoods down our road (Dodd Blvd) in Lakeville to hand out invitations to Vacation Bible School at LivingWaters July 30, 31st & August 1st. Here is tonight's plan... -Meet at LivingWaters at 6:30PM for dinner (Hamburgers, Brats & Hotdogs & Summer BBQ sides) -After dinner we will break up into groups. I hope we have enough people for 13 different neighborhoods. -Each group will be given a pile of VBS invites and a map showing their neighborhood to go to. -When groups finish their neighborhood flyer handouts we will reassemble at LivingWaters for a bonfire, smores and ice cream treats. Please let me know if you are coming tonight so I can have plenty of food & also pre-plan how many groups we can send out to the neighborhoods. Feel free to email me