Spring Cleaning
Ministry CenterMinistry Center “spring cleaning” (indoor cleaning specials) Property trash and dead tree removal (general outdoor work)
Ministry Center “spring cleaning” (indoor cleaning specials) Property trash and dead tree removal (general outdoor work)
Our April food-shelf collections will be deliverd to the Lakeville South High School Food Shelf. Focused Items: Breakfast bars Cereal boxes Dry foods (beef sticks) Eas Mac Fruit snacks Granola bars Gift Cards Hygiene items
Michael & Gina Stewart will be teaching a class called “Grace Based Parenting”. The class will be offered durning the 9AM education hour at LivingWaters Church. The class will meet in the lower level of our office & ministry center located at 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville MN. Child care will be provided for ages preschool and younger, and bible study classes are offered for k-12 students for the duration of this class. The class will be 8 weeks long and will take a break on Easter Sunday. Sign Up HERE
Education hour for Kindergarten through adults
Welcome Ryan & Kristen O’Leary Representing Jesus to Native American & First Nations people with Converge Worldwide. Ryan is an enrolled tribal member of the Bois Forte Band of Ojibwe in northern Minnesota. Ryan & Kristen have been involved in Native ministry in various forms for over 15 years.
Join us for worship & the Word
Are you new to LivingWaters? Do you eat food? We would like to get to know you more and connect over a meal together. Please join us for our Welcome Lunch Sunday April 30th in the upper level of the ministry center. RSVP HERE
Team will meet
Intergenerational CORE groups spend time together all ages from 6:30-7:00 in discussion & prayer together. From 7-8PM the groups break into age specific teaching and discussion.