KNOWING GOD CLASS Meeting in the Worship Center in classrooms 1/2 Sign up HERE Eschatology - The Doctrine of End Times. Eschatology: Doctrine of the End Times Part 1: The future for the individual. The experience of death. What is death? The reality of death. Where do we go when we die? The intermediate state. Punishment and torment? Annihilation and soul sleep. The eternal state. Part 2: The future for the world. The return of Christ. The Great Tribulation. The kingdom, Judgment seat of Christ. The rapture Second death. Resurrections. Great White Throne. New heavens and new earth.
Meeting in the Worship Center In our day, the term Christian has been used to describe many things in our culture, but are they? What is the biblical truth about Jesus and who are the ones who belong to Him? What characteristics define them? Be immersed in the truth of God’s Word as we study the book of 1 John. Contact Jody Wilde with questions or to sign up or sign up below SIGN UP
Youth group meets tonight
Sign up Here This is a 9 week Bible based study on healing from the trauma of abortion Questions? Contact Hem of His Garment Ministries
Sign up HERE Join the Women's Ministry Team for brunch In the Worship Center
Sign Up HERE