Women’s Group

Fipp Home

Women’s Group led by Jaime Fipp: Meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 12:30pm. Currently studying the book of Philippians.

Healing From Past Shame Study

Ministry Center

Healing From Past Shame Study Sign up HERE We will be using the book:  Healing A Woman's Heart 8 Steps From Past To Purpose Meeting the 2nd & 4th Thursday nights of the month - starting October 13th. Meet in the Ministry Center from 6:30-8:30pm. Led by Beth Burris and Julie Peterson

Healing From Past Shame Study

Ministry Center

Healing From Past Shame Study We will be using the book:  Healing A Woman's Heart 8 Steps From Past To Purpose Meet in the Ministry Center from 6:30-8:30pm. Led by Beth Burris and Julie Peterson

Ladies Brunch

At Ramona Sulentic

Women’s Group

Fipp Home

Women’s Group led by Jaime Fipp: Meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 12:30pm. Currently studying the book of Philippians.