Off The Streets Super Run 5K

On Saturday February 4th at Target Field in Minneapolis, there will be a 5k walk/run to raise money and awareness to combat sex-trafficking. Trafficking increases in the city where the Super Bowl is held. In 2018, the Super Bowl will be here in Twin Cities. There will be a run this year (4th) and next year the Saturday before the Super Bowl. Some LivingWaters people will meet at the Ministry Center at 8:30AM on February 4th and car pool to the race at Target Field. The race is $35 if you sign up in advance, or $40 on race day.  

Freedom Weekend – Freedom Night at Hosanna

Kim Phillips will coordinate those who want to go. Sign up HERE An evening discussing what freedom really means in our daily lives. Hear about freedom from Pastor Tim Hatt (Hosanna). Also hear from Janine Montgomery, who is a survivor of sexual exploitation, about the freedom she now lives in, which is available to all of us, regardless of our past.

Freedom Weekend – Understanding and Responding to Sex Trafficking in MN

Stacy Boatman, Lynn Lindstrom and Susan Macri will coordinate those who want to go. Sign up HERE Three powerful speakers share about the realities of the sex trade in Minnesota and around the world. Find out in depth what is really happening, and what we can do to stop this exploitation, while bring hope and healing to survivors. There will also be resource tables at this event with organizations around the twin cities fighting against sexual exploitation.

Freedom Weekend – Pornography: The Lure and Entrapment

Jason Boatman will coordinate those who want to go> Sign up HERE Prevention of sex-trafficking must include addressing pornography as it fuels the demand. Porn entices and lures only to entrap and eventually, destroy lives. Join us as Sgt. Grant Snyder, Minneapolis Police Dept. Detective, shares stories and insight into this area of pornography and its tie-in with sex-trafficking. There is freedom. There is hope. Appropriate for ages 16+.