Food & Fellowship Night – All Ages

You are invited to join our intergenerational groups food and fellowship night from 6:30-8:00PM 6:30-6:45PM - Gather & play all ages games 6:45-7:30PM - Meal together 7:30-8:00PM - Worship & devotions This month is a pot-luck style meal click the link(s) below to sign up to bring an item and or to help with setting up or clean up. click here to sign up to help set up or clean up click here to sign up to bring bread click here to sign up to bring salad

Intergenerational Service Project

The signup for the Feed My Starving Children Intergenerational Service Project is full. We have filled all 60 of our spots made up of kids, youth & adults heading to Feed My Starving Children in Eagan from 6-7:30PM Whoo Hooo!    

Intergenerational Groups

6:30-7PM 6:30-6:45: Youth & Adults 6:45-7: Kids, Youth, Adults 7-8PM -Kids in classes -Youth in youth group -Adults small group

Food & Fellowship Night

Food & Fellowship night! We will be serving lasagna, tossed salad, & garlic bread (chicken nuggets for the littles). Our dessert will be homemade frosted valentines day cookies! Help us make sure we will have plenty of food, click here to send in an RSVP 6:30-7:15PM: Gather and meal together 7:15-7:30PM: Games 7:30-8PM: All Ages Worship & Devotion

Intergenerational Groups

6:30-7PM 6:30-6:45: Youth & Adults 6:45-7: Kids, Youth, Adults 7-8PM -Kids in classes -Youth in youth group -Adults small group

Intergenerational Groups

6:30-7PM 6:30-6:45: Youth & Adults 6:45-7: Kids, Youth, Adults 7-8PM -Kids in classes -Youth in youth group -Adults small group

Intergenerational Food & Fellowship Night – All Ages

Our Food and Fellowship nights are intergenerational for the whole evening.  Our time together is open to anyone within the body of LivingWaters Church or the surrounding Lakeville community.  This month our meal is potluck style.  Click one or more of the links below to sign up to help out or bring anything to share. Please note, there is no obligation to bring food to attend. Our night together starts at 6:30PM in our worship center and commons hall.  We eat dinner shortly after 6:30 and finish the night all ages together for large group worship and a short devotion.  We wrap up our night at 8PM. Click the links below to signup up to bring food or to help with set up & or clean up. Click Here to sign up to help set up or clean up We have plenty of bread to share now. We have plenty of salad to share now. We have plenty of main dishes to share now. We have plenty of dessert to share now.