Intergenerational & Youth Groups

Worship Center 22222 Dodd Blvd, Lakeville, MN, United States

Intergenerational & Youth Groups Awana for the kids A place for everyone!

Intergenerational Service Project

Intergenerational Groups gather together once more to finish our school year time together with an all ages service project here at LivingWaters & off-site at Paul Povolny's Shop. Together we will: Paint shelves & racking for the worship center storage rooms at Paul Povolny's shop Cleaning projects indoors in the Worship Center Weather permitting outdoor yard work at the church property Our night will end back together here for ice-cream and fellowship.

Knowing God Study Group

Ministry Center Classroom

Knowing God is a group that is studying Theology. We are in the fifth of nine sections of Theology. This study will be on Humanity. We will consider such topics as: How did I get here? What am I supposed to do? What is the meaning of life? What is sin and where did it come from?

Women’s Group

Fipp Home

Women’s Group led by Jaime Fipp: Meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 12:30pm. Currently studying the book of Philippians.

Wisdom & Folly of Solomon Study

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon & 1 Kings 1-11, taught by Dr. John Mayer, Village Schools of the Bible. Register at: Sign Up Here