Disc Golf Event

Outdoor property Outdoor property

Adults and youth 6th grade and up are invited to join us for an afternoon of disc golf on the LivingWaters property. Never played disc golf before? No problem. There will be extra discs for people to use if you don't have your own - sanitizing wipes will be provided. We will set up a temporary course and likely play 2 rounds of 18 holes. For those who wish to try but dont want to play the full round you're welcome to stop anytime. Everyone is ENCOURAGED to invite friends. After the rounds are complete there will be snacks and refreshments provided in the backyard of the Ministry Center. Water will be provided throughout the day.


Ministry Center - Living Room

Paul E


Pick up trash for a 3 mile stretch along Dodd Blvd. Sign up HERE or contact Pastor Scott

Men’s Commit Conference

Go deeper with Christ, a conference to be strengthened and encouraged in discipleship. At Berean Baptist in Burnsville. Tickets are $30 on line. See Pastor Scott for discounted tickets COMMITT

Men’s Grilling & Games

Outdoor property Outdoor property

6:30PM Grilling (burgers, brats & pork k-bobs) & Yard Games Giant Yard game competitions-see it to believe it (great prizes) Joke-off competition-best & worst dad jokes told in a bracket-style tournament (great prizes) Speaker & Testimonies Sign Up HERE

Men’s Camping Adventure

The camping trip is FULL - you can still sign up to be on the WAITLIST Sign Up HERE to be on the waitlist Men of Living Waters, Have you been yearning to spend some time outside, roughing it in crisp fall weather, perhaps do some hiking, have a campfire, and best of all, put that heavy sleeping bag to use? We've reserved two camp-sites at Whitewater State Park, about 1.5 hours south, to enjoy the outdoors and connect with each other. Dates: Oct 22-24 (leave Friday afternoon, come back Sunday afternoon) Activities: Hiking, cooking, card games, relaxing Equipment: Tents, warm sleeping bags, hiking/camping gear (no RV/campers) Capacity: 12 slots available Contacts: contact Karsten Finseth (612-306-6093) or Bill Rineveld (612-295-8311) if you're up for the adventure and for more information.

Men’s Golf Event

Boulder Pointe https://www.google.com/maps?ll=44.558548,-93.327899&z=15&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=embed&cid=584777281912960809

MEN'S GOLF EVENT When: Saturday June 18th, 2022 Where: Boulder Pointe Golf Club in Elko Time: First Tee time is 7:03am; 7:12, 7:21, 7:30, 7:39 Cost: $58, includes cart + range balls; if you're 60 or older cost is $45 Format: Best Ball Scramble - Play the best shot of the group each time! Sign Up HERE