Education Hour

Bible Teaching Classes for K-5th kids, 6th-12th youth and adults Meets in various rooms in the Worship Center

Women’s Book Club

This month's book choice is Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, a historical novel by Jamie Ford.  "Beautiful and inspired, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet captures emotions of a time and place in history that is hauntingly painful and most often chosen to be forgotten."-Amazon Reviewer.  All are welcome! Meeting at Sue Wood's home

Bible Study

Study on “Maturing in Christ” by George Stagg. The 4 book series covers Colossians and Ephesians and “The goals of the series are the same goals of Jesus Christ for the churches, which are specifically stated in the books of Colossians, Ephesians, and 1 Thessalonians”. We will use these 4 books to “equip saints for ministry in the church and in the world; to build up the church in love and unity in the faith; to deepen in the knowledge of Jesus Christ; to become mature Christians; to become like Jesus Christ”. There is some homework of Bible reading and discussion questions to think about prior to meetings. Fellowship at 6:30pm with the study from 7-9pm. It will be held at Tim and Roxy McGraw’s home in Burnsville. Books cost $7. Please contact Roxy or Tim for information at 612.245.3337 and a book can be ordered for you.