A Fisherman Theologian…? (By Gene Dahmes)

A Fisherman Theologian – ?

The Knowing God study group will start up again on Wednesday evening, October 23 in the Ministry Center.

Knowing God is a group that is studying Theology. We are in the fifth of nine sections of Theology. This study will be on Humanity. We will consider such topics as: How did I get here? What am I supposed to do? What is the meaning of life? What is sin and where did it come from?

Some may wonder why they should even consider studying theology. Good grief, that sounds stuffy and academic. Could it possibly have any practical value at all?

Peter was a fisherman by trade, but he seemed to be of the opinion that every believer should have a basic handle on theology. Consider what he wrote in 2 Peter 1:3, His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.

Peter says that God has given us His divine power. That in itself is an amazing fact for the believer. Whatever is needed in this life for us to experience the kind of life and daily living God desires is available to us. That is fantastic! How are we to experience this remarkable truth? Our fisherman friend tells us this comes through the knowledge of Him. When we come to know our God we better understand and appropriate His divine power. He is the One who has called us to his own glory and excellence, which declares His purpose for our lives.

Theology is the study of God. It is simply getting to know who God is through the teachings of the Bible. The study of theology is therefore not impractical nor merely an academic exercise for boring people.

You are invited to join with the Knowing God study group as we endeavor to better understand humanity and the God of the universe. Knowing God begins Wednesday evening, October 23 at 6:45. If you have any questions, please talk with Gene Dahmes. 


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