It Makes Me Uncomfortable When You…

It makes me uncomfortable when you dance”

#oneoftorrionsfunniestlinesever    #dontmisssundaymornings

In junior high in the mid-70s, I was one of a group of 5 girls that were good friends. We did everything together through high school, except when boys were in the picture. When we were in 9th grade, we had one of those nights that changes ones life path. Two of the girls were not believers, and those of us who were led them to Christ that night, and they gave their lives to Him.

About 10 years later Scott and I went to one of their weddings. Both of these girls were marrying pastors, and I knew this one was going to be a charismatic wedding service. I dont remember much about it except for my attitude during the worship part of the service. As everyone around us was singing and raising their hands, jumping around, I looked at Scottand I rolled my eyes. I am ashamed of the attitude I had, and am amazed I was so self-righteous, thinking I knew what was real and what was not. I was uncomfortable because I couldnt categorize it in my brain. Id had no experience with it, so I dismissed it as fanatical and unnecessary. Yuk.

Jump ahead another 10 years. Im flat out on the floor praying and crying out to the Spirit for help. By then I had experienced the realness of the Spirit. I had felt His Presence. I had been overwhelmed by His Presence, and I knew I desperately needed Him. Im so thankful God didnt let me get stuck in that attitude that says showing emotion as a Christian is unnecessary or fanatical. Im so thankful He worked on my judgmental heart and showed me that there are many ways of worshipping Him.

God is clearly an emotional God. He loves big dramatic stories. He loves to come in and rescue at the last minute. He loves to surprise and delight us.

He is a God who loves!

Isnt it sad that the Holy Spirit can be so controversial? And isnt it just the like the evil one to try to divide and conquer us any way he can? God wants us to be One in the Spirit, so Satan starts lying to each of us about the others. God gives us gifts from the Spirit and Satan starts categorizing and prioritizing them in our minds. Because were human, we like to do that anyway–so he just gives us a good push.

Someone speaking in tongues? Must be fake because it makes me uncomfortable. Someone laughing with joy? Must be forced because no one is that happy. Someone lying face first on the floor? Must be for show, because who would get that humble in front of other people?


You speak in tongues? Wow! You must be special. You speak prophecy from God? Cool! He must really love you. You have a gift of intercession?! Pray for me and mine because you must be really spiritual!

Dismiss it or glorify it:  either way it takes the focus off of God and puts it on the person, or the gift.

In I Corinthians 14, Pauls message over and over is–what good is the gift if it doesnt build up the church, the Body of Christ?

So what should I do? I will pray with my spirit. But I will also pray with my understanding. I will sing with my spirit. But I will also sing with my understanding.(verse 15)

As far as the quote and hashtags at the beginning of this post–a few weeks ago Scott started dancing during his message, as he often does, and his friend Torrion spoke those words from the back of the sanctuary. Makes him uncomfortable when his pastor dances, I know I can relate.


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