Good Friday Service

6:45pm - Table preparation & Scripture 7pm - Communion, Prayer, Worship, Devotion

Resurrection Sunday

Check the Home page for the link to the live stream as we celebrate our Risen King!

Church Vote on Railroad offer

Here is a link to the FAQ for the Progressive Railroad offer. FAQ The vote is today for members to accept the recommendation of the elders concerning the offer

Food & Fellowship

Watch for details on a Zoom meal together!

Baptism Service

Baptisms will be live-streamed on the LW Facebook Page If you are interested in being baptized - contact Pastor Scott or Paul Carlberg

Town Meeting

 Listening session to hear your questions and thoughts on how we are moving forward

Baptism Service

If interested in be baptized, please contact Pastor Scott or Paul Carlberg

Intergeneration Night & Youth Group

Join us tonight for intergen fellowship and group time. There will be something for kids - adults and the youth group will meet